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Stress Stoplight: A Visualization for Identifying Stress

Stress. We all have it. But sometimes we don’t slow down enough to see it creeping up on us. How many times have you looked back and said, “Oh yeah, I guess there WERE red flags waving at me…”So how do you know if you’re stressed—I mean really stressed? Well, in order to avoid a full on meltdown, I’m sharing with you a little visualization I do with myself when I feel things starting to get overwhelming. The interesting things is that I often think I’m handling it ok and when I tune in, I find out I’m not.

Sunday, December 5, 2021
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Power of Saying No: A Holiday Survival Tip

The Holidays can be so much more fun when we say yes to things that resonate with us and no to things that don't--without feeling guilty! When we say no, we avoid burnout and that cranky feeling that comes with being depleted. How do you know what to say no to? I've got a short intuitive exercise that uses your body as a divination tool that will help with determining whether or not you should say no...

Tuesday, December 3, 2019
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Slow Down & Reconnect: A Holiday Survival Tip

With all the rush to buy gifts for everyone else and parties to attend, we sometimes forget to slow down and reconnect to ourselves and a higher power. This week, make space for yourself to do something that reminds you of your connection to your soul and to spirit. I’ve included some ideas and things that help me reestablish my connection to Spirit. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2019
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Create Joy: A Holiday Survival Tip

Your Holiday Season may look something like this: Going a million miles an hour—attending parties, wrapping gifts, shopping, seeing family and friends, school & dinner events galore. Then followed by: Thinking of all the things that you haven’t done yet—the people in your life that need gifts or attention, the events and the to-dos that are still on your list, the disappointment of letting people down when you’ve stretched yourself too thin. All of these demands combined with the busy-ness of the season can lead to a pretty joy-less place.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019
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